She's Here!!

I have not been able to use my blog in a while or even add anything to my Teachers Pay Teachers account which I have been really bummed about! I have been neglecting it all which I hate, though for good reason... This past year (my husband and) I have been very busy...preparing for our first child! :)

I am just too excited not to formally announce her! It has been a LONG time coming and years (and more) in the making! Our little rainbow baby :) I should also note how grateful I am for Teachers Pay Teachers for making it possible.

It took forEVER and then some for Everly Erin Hall to get here, but now we are forEVER in love. She finally made her debut at 12:27am on April 9, 2016. Worth the wait and wait and wait....


Wow it has been a while since I have posted!....Quite a while!

I have been super busy with work and personal life so the blog has gone on the back burner! I am hoping to pick it back up but in the meantime... I made my first TpT milestone and I am pretty excited about it!

They also post products/links for the milestone achievers on Facebook here! 

I am so grateful for TpT!! Thank you to everyone who follows and purchases! :)

Mother's Day!!!

I tweaked my Mother's Day project this year for the kiddos and I thought they did a really great job! We came up with a list together of adjectives about our moms. Then the kids each picked their top 10 that described their mom and we added those to our thumbprint tree. I very heavily suggested they should add beautiful and smart to all their lists!! :)


I am enjoying my snow day and thought I'd share some freebie fun! :)

March Freebie

Love is....

Valentine's Day Fun!!
Borrowed the idea from Charles Schulz to make Valentine's day books/cards for our families! Check out some of these cute cards!

I read Charles Schulz's Love is Walking Hand in Hand to the class and then we made a list together of what love is to everyone!  They love doing this and listening to the book.  They do an awesome job with these cards and were very excited to make them.  I love reading their cards before I send them home for Valentine's day.  They are easy to do and the kids love making them! I copy the Love is paper back to back, fold it, and staple it into folded construction paper! Bam! Easy made book/card for parents.